Chiropractic for Pregnancy

At Choose Love Chiropractic, we firmly believe that every woman deserves a nurturing and empowering pregnancy experience.

Discover how Choose Love Chiropractic can support your pregnancy journey!

  • Soothes stress and anxiety 

  • Reduces pain and tension

  • More restful sleep

  • Improves pelvic misalignment

  • Creates a space for a safe and more easeful birth

  • Sets the foundations for a smooth post-partum experience

  • Helps you feel more connected to your baby

Pregnancy is an incredible journey, but it often brings physical challenges. Our specialist chiropractic care for pregnancy can relieve you of aches and pains throughout each trimester and create the foundations for a smooth delivery and harmonious post-partum experience for you and baby.

Trained in the Webster technique, Dr Lisa can assist in removing nerve interference and resolving misalignment which in turn creates more space for baby. With this chiropractic analysis and subtle adjustments, the Webster Technique balances the sacrum, pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments while allowing for optimal fetal positioning throughout the pregnancy. This can aid in reducing the risk of complications and foster a safer, less invasive birth.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy also promotes overall physical and emotional balance. By allowing more ease in the system this can help during fluctuation in hormones and lead to greater emotional well-being and a deeper connection with baby.

Our chiropractic techniques are gentle, safe, and specifically tailored to accommodate the unique needs of expectant mothers. If you are seeking balance, comfort, and a mindful approach to your pregnancy journey, we invite you to allow us to support you in creating a more joyful and holistic birth experience.